authors: Meet our content creators and developers

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Adrian Połubiński

Senior Frontend Developer

Software development and application design are more than just a job for me. I have been a freelancer for a few years and I carried out projects in various technologies. Focused on React, TypeScript and NodeJS. In my free time, I play guitar.

Artur Węgrodzki

.NET developer

Daily working in C# and .NET environments. Specialized in Backend APIs, Xamarin mobile applications and databases. In my free time, I ride a bike and play games.

Justyna Fenik

Software Tester

A quality guard who makes a living by pointing out bugs. I test manually and automate tests in Robot Framework and Cypress. In my free time, I run and travel.

Szymon Taranczewski

Frontend Developer

I'm a front-end programming enthusiast with a heart for JavaScript, TypeScript, and React.js. I craft web applications, websites, and WordPress stores. I embrace challenges and love sharing knowledge. I'm ready to turn every ideas into reality!

Krzysztof Kamiński

Software Tester

In short, I look for bugs in applications, on websites - basically everywhere possible. In my free time, I learn coding (creating and styling websites), play games, and go to the gym.

Maja Wielechowska

Software Tester

My role is manual testing - searching for bugs on websites and applications is my area of expertise. Whenever possible, I expand my knowledge, and in my free time, I attend dance classes.

Krzysztof Reszko

Editor & Reviewer

English teacher. In the meantime, I do translation and editing work. My Interests are fitness and video games.

Emil Juchnikowski

Solution architect

I work as a Software Architect, and started my career 10 years ago as a .NET developer. Currently, I mainly write in JavaScript and deal with the frontend ecosystem. Current stack includes Angular, Ionic, NodeJS, NestJS and MongoDB. Outside of work, I enjoy running and boxing training. My motto is: 'The only limitation is the imagination, and not those who still say time and money.'

Adam Jurczyk

Frontend Developer

I started to code because i love to build cool stuff. There is nothing more fulfilling for me than well written software that works. My main tech-stack is React, NextJS, TailwindCSS and TypeScript. I also produce music and try to stay healthy and fit with regular exercise.

Kacper Woźniak

Frontend developer

Professionally - frontend developer focused on React, Vue and Typescript. I am happy to engage in additional activities related to programming. Privately - motorization enthusiast.

Patryk Jurczyk

Frontend developer

The technologies I develop are React and TypeScript. I like to take on more and more difficult things because with them I can learn the most. I spend my free time actively at the gym or cycling.

Klaudia Zalewska

Junior Q&A

I have a foundation in programming and JavaScript, which helps me ensure software quality and create seamless user experiences. Outside of work, I enjoy reading criminal books.

Tomasz Marczak

Frontend developer

Coding is my hobby and I made friends with TypeScript and React. I’m curently working in cruise ship industry and love designing useful things. Besides that I'm interested in a little bit of everything and nothing in particular, however boxing seem to tickle my mind more. I love cats and 'The Office'.

Szymon Tymcio

Frontend Developer

Driven by a passion for creating engaging websites, I am a dedicated web technology enthusiast who is eager to explore the latest trends and push the boundaries.

Dawid Dowgiałło

Frontend Developer

Frontend developer with a knowledge of Angular, Vue, React, JS and Typescript. In my free time I expand my knowledge, play games and listen to music.

Paweł Gnat

Frontend Developer

I develop your business through programming. I love entrepreneurship and personal development. I learn something new every day and I can't get enough of it. You can find more about me on Instagram @pawel.coder.

Bartłomiej Stępień

Frontend Developer

My favorite technologies that I am constantly learning and improving in are React and TypeScript. I love creating modern user interfaces and developing features that bring value to users. In addition to coding, I actively spend my free time on the field or at the gym, taking care of my health and fitness.

Wojciech Glab

Junior Frontend Developer

I am passionate about front-end development, focusing mainly on JavaScript and React. I'm eager to learn and develop my skills through hands-on development experience. I especially enjoy creating modern web applications and related functionalities, through which I grow more and more.